Its raining outside..
everyone feel cold when raining but me arghh so damn hot! like living in the hell...
donno whether its because of weather or because of im too hot causing sorrounding hot though.. hikhikhik...(gile perasan)... so today is monday.. as usual on monday i got chemistry laboratory.. our experiment today quite interestinglaa... about reaction something2(xigtlaa) but the smell yarks.. bucuk! im enjoying myself doing it.. infact we gedik2 taking a lot of photo using my phone in the lab.
ouh, not to forget, i have done doing my calculus test!! ahaa at last wat jugak..and i think this test doesnt upset me..leh la jwab.. betul slh kite tgk jelaa nnti... its 2.10 a.m already.. im waiting for his good night sms.. tp harapan jelaa.. xleh tido la sy kalau macam ini.. adeh,
act i think he's angry with me kot.. because i refuse to go to hospital.. gile ape nk tinggl class.. xmau laa ceq... esok dh la kimia,fizik,lab fizik... bapak ah.. kalau tinggl ni mmg nk cr nahas laa... heh~~ xpela.. kalau nk mati sy mati jugak awk.. kalau dh ajal...
knp laa mate x leh nk tutup ni.. sy nk tido!!! adeh2... esok klass sgt pack... mesti penat n mesti migrain dtg lagi.. kalau x bgtaw die karang bising je org tua tu. kalau bgtaw kene pkse pg klinik.. aduyai..
what i have to do meh???
so..i think ill end up here... letey lol...
p/s kalau x nk layan sudah... heh! ~~~~JULIET
1 comment:
hehehe.. lam lab pon leh snap pic lg...
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